Various awards to LMPT group members in 2022

Andrea Rich, Jörg Löffler and the group of Samuel Montibeller, Leopold Berger and Jörg Löffler win various awards in 2022.

Best Oral Presentation Award to Andrea Rich

Andrea Rich

Andrea Rich has been invited to give a Keynote presentation on “Mg-fiber reinforced bone cement” at the 14th International Symposium on Biodegradable Metals on August 24-29, 2022 in Alicante, Spain.

On August 28, 2022, a committee of 12 participants selected Andrea Rich’s talk as best oral presentation (1st place) at this conference. The work resulted from a fruitful collaboration between the LMPT, the Laboratory of Orthopedic Technology at D-HEST (ETH), and the Biomaterials Systems Group at Uppsala University, Sweden.


Opening Plenary Lecture

Joerg Loeffler

Jörg Löffler has been invited to present the opening plenary lecture at the 14th Biometal conference on August 24-29, 2022 in Alicante, Spain, detailing the long history for the invention of tailorable, ultrahigh-pure, lean magnesium alloys

Top 20 ETH Invention

The patent application “Magnesium alloy with microstructure modification by hot deformation” of Samuel Montibeller, Leopold Berger and Jörg F. Löffler has been selected to the Top 20 ETH inventions of the year 2022.  

Microstructure of magnesium alloy

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